Whitechapel Part 2
When you get to Summer term Lessons 4 and 5 of the Whitechapel unit, you are asked to consolidate your understanding by making comprehensive revision notes for this course. Doing this will be vital to setting yourself up to succeed in your GCSE as we will not have time to cover this content in lesson time. You will need these detailed notes for your mocks in November and your real exam next summer!
(Please don't panic if you don't have access to a computer and can't do this work. Just email your teacher. We may need to think about how best to support you to catch up as this will need to be done at some point.)
Task: Complete the word document (Lessons 4 and 5 independent revision table) with notes in your own words showing your detailed knowledge and understanding on each topic area. The red page numbers refer to relevant pages in the scanned text book. You can also use the Powerpoints covering the content if you would prefer to make notes from different reading (https://stanboroughhums.wixsite.com/history/gcsecontent password:history2016).
You will probably want to expand the space for each section if you are printing it out and hand writing your notes.
Hand in by emailing it to me by the end of Wed 6th May. This could be a photo of your handwritten work or could be a typed word document. Between 7th - 9th May you will see (hopefully) your silver award on classcharts and in the notes section comments and any EBIs on this work.
Please save your work as your name before emailing it to your teacher.
Crime and Punishment Book