Unit 1: c1000-1500 Medieval England
Use the copy of the textbook below to complete the tasks in the PowerPoints:
Crime and Punishment Book

Lesson 3: Anglo-Saxon Crime and Punishment
Lesson objectives:
To understand the different periods of History the medieval period is split into.
To explain the different ways in which the king, the church and local communities influenced the law and punishments.
To evaluate who had the most significant influence.
Anglo-Saxon C&P

Lesson 4: Anglo-Saxon Justice
Lesson objectives:
To know how the king, the church and ideas about family, influenced attitudes to crime and punishment in Anglo-Saxon England.
To know about common crimes and typical punishments in Anglo-Saxon England.
To understand how the laws was enforced in village communities.
Anglo-Saxon Justice
Judgement Matrix

Lesson 7: The influence of the Church on Crime and Punishment
Lesson objectives:
To describe the ways in which the Church challenged the authority of the king.
To explain the extent to which this hindered effective justice.
To evaluate the extent to which the above was true in the thirteenth century.
The influence of the Church on C&P