Unit 1: Superpower relations and the Cold War, 1941-91
Use the copy of the textbook below to complete the tasks in the PowerPoints:
Cold War Textbook
The Cold War Revision Guide
Complete the Revision Guide on The Cold War.
Use the Content PowerPoints on the History website to help you: https://stanboroughhums.wixsite.com/history/gcsecontent
The Cold War Revision Guide

Lesson 2: Post war tension
Lesson objectives:
To be able to explain the ideological differences between the USA and the Soviet Union.
To be able to explain and evaluate the impact on US-Soviet relations of the development of the atomic bomb, the Long and Novikov telegrams and the creation of Soviet satellite states in Eastern Europe.
Post war tension

Lesson 4: Berlin
Lesson objectives:
To be able to explain the Berlin Crisis and evaluate its significance for relations between the USA and Soviet Union.

Lesson 7: Tension in Berlin leading to the Wall
Lesson objectives:
All should be able to give an narrative account of the Berlin Crisis which explains how one event led to another.
Some will evaluate the importance of the summits in developing the problem in Berlin.
Tension in Berlin leading to the Wall
Guidance on importance question
Reagan and Gorbachev