Unit 5: Life in Nazi Germany
Use the copy of the textbook below to complete the tasks in the PowerPoints:
Weimar and Nazi Germany Textbook
Lesson 1: Nazi Views on Women and the family
Lesson objectives:
All Must develop and practise answering exam q1 drawing inferences from a source
Most will be able to identify & explain 3 Nazi aims that drove all policies concerning women and their role in the family.
Some will evaluate the success of the Nazis in achieving these aims
Nazi views on women and the family

Lesson 2: Nazi aims and polices for the Young
Lesson objectives:
You will be able to explain what the Nazis wanted young people to believe and the characteristics they should develop by drawing inferences from sources.
You will be able to identify & explain how the Nazis tried to indoctrinate young people with certain beliefs.
You will effectively evaluate why two interpretations show a difference about the past.
Nazi aims and policies for the young
Note taking sheet

Lesson 3: Nazi polices to reduce unemployment
Lesson objectives:
All will be able to explain how the Nazis delivered on their election promise of “Brot” and “Arbeit” by reducing unemployment.
Most will be able to confidently draw inferences from sources
Some will effectively evaluate the utility & limitations of a source (Exam q) showing strong knowledge of Nazi policies.
Nazi policies to reduce unemployment

Lesson 4: Did Life improve for the “right” type of German?
Lesson objectives:
All will be able to revise how Nazis gained support by controlling leisure time & will be able to evaluate whether living standards went up.
All will practise answering a Question 3D to ensure you know how to answer this!
Some will be able to confidently explain why historians come up with different interpretations
Life in Nazi Germany

Lesson 5: Did Germans benefit from Nazi rule?
Lesson objectives:
To be able to describe some of the Nazi policies related to work
To be able to identify positive and negative effects of Nazi rule on the German people
To be able to evaluate personal content knowledge
Did Germans benefit from Nazi rule
Card Sort

Lesson 6: Nazi Persecution of Minorities
Lesson objectives:
All will be able to develop of glossary of key words which will impress the examiner
Most will develop analysis on how useful a source is and be able to explain why they agree with one interpretation over another.
Some will make a judgement about whether there was a turning point in attitudes towards the Jewish population
Nazi persecution of minorities