Lesson 2: Population
Lesson objectives:
All will be able to identify 3 reasons why the population ‘exploded’.
Most will be able to describe the reasons why the population increased.
Some will be able to explain the significance of the different factors.
Population grid
Population Explosion Card Sort

Lesson 4: The Factory System
Lesson objectives:
All will be able to describe the factory system.
Most will be able to explain the advantages of the factory system.
Some will be able to evaluate which system was better.
The Factory System

Lesson 5: Child Labour Conditions
Lesson objectives:
All should understand what child labour is and why it is still going on around the world today.
Most should be able to describe working conditions in factories in 19th C Britain.
Some will have carried out a full investigation by extracting information from sources of evidence and are ready write a report for the government.
Child Labour Conditions
Child labour and Asma's Story
How do I spend my time template
Grant Shapps Letter Help Sheet
Lesson 6: Factory Conditions
Lesson objectives:
All will understand that not everyone wanted conditions to improve for children. (Factory owners were making big profits out of them!)
Most will understand what BIAS is and will be able to find examples of biased sources.
Some of you will develop your source evaluation skills to question the reliability of evidence.
Factory Conditions
Factory System Sources

Lesson 9: Railways
Lesson objectives:
All will be able to describe some benefits of the railway.
Most will be able to explain the advantages and disadvantages of the railway.
Some will be able to evaluate whether roads, canals or railways are a better system of transport.

Lesson 11: Public Health Heroes
Lesson objectives:
All will be able to examine the state of towns in the 1800s.
Most will be able to explain why the government was slow to improve public health.
Some will be able to evaluate the contribution of Chadwick, Snow and Bazalgette to improving public health.
Public Health Heroes

Lesson 13: Victorian Policing
Lesson objectives:
All will be able to describe what policemen looked like in Victorian London.
Most will be able to explain what qualities Robert Peel was looking for when he set up the police force.
Some will be able to evaluate how successful the police were using evidence.
Victorian Policing

Lesson 15: Jack the Ripper
Lesson objectives:
All will be able to use sources to determine what Jack the Ripper looked like.
Most will be able to decide Jack the Rippers most likely appearance.
Some will be able to judge how reliable information is by cross referencing sources.
Jack the Ripper
Jack the Ripper Worksheet

Lesson 16: Victorian Schools
Lesson objectives:
All will be able to describe some of the changes in schools between 1800 and 1900.
Most will be able to explain what school life was like for a thirteen year old pupil in Victorian Britain.
Some will evaluate the differences between Victorian and modern schools.
Victorian Schools
Lesson 18: Change over time
Lesson objectives:
All will be able to describe at least 3 ways Britain has changed between 1750 and 1900.
Most will be able to explain why these changes happened.
Some will be able to decide which was the most important change and why.
Change over time
Times Reflection
Textbook p. 166-167