Unit 1: Anglo-Saxon England, c1060–66
Use the copy of the textbook below to complete the tasks in the PowerPoints:
Anglo-Saxon Textbook

Lesson 1: A Researched Title Page
Lesson objectives:
To independently find out more about this course.
Use the PowerPoint to help you create your own independently researched title page.
You will need to divide your title page into 3 sections:
Anglo-Saxon England
Norman occupation and Anglo-Saxon resistance
Use text and colourful illustrations. The top tips are there to help!
Researched Title Page
Topic Sheet

Lesson 2: Anglo-Saxon Society
Lesson objectives:
To contextualise Anglo-Saxon England within the history of Britain.
To be able to describe who the Anglo-Saxons were and where they came from.
To be able to explain some of the key features and the structure of Anglo-Saxon society.
A good explanation:
Anglo-Saxon Society
Anglo-Saxon Social System
Kingdom Maps

Lesson 3: Anglo-Saxon Administration and the Church
Lesson objectives:
To be able to distinguish and describe Anglo Saxon administration units.
To be able to identify the roles of different groups/individuals within Anglo Saxon society.
To think of examples of places which take their names from Anglo-Saxon words.
Extension: Use the map to fill in the examples of Anglo-Saxon place names
Anglo-Saxon Admin and the Church
Place names

Lesson 4: The Anglo-Saxon Blood Feud
Lesson objectives:
To consolidate learning on Anglo-Saxon law and order & society
All to be able to confidently define:
Hue and Cry, Tithing, Blood feud, Wergild and Shire Reeve -
Most to be able to explain different classes in Anglo-Saxon society
A good explanation:
The Anglo-Saxon Blood Feud
Comic Strip Task
Keywords match up

Lesson 5: Religion
Lesson objectives:
To examine Anglo Saxon religious beliefs.
To analyse changes in Anglo-Saxon religious practices over time.
To assess the power of the Church, including the role of Church figures as advisors to the king.
Anglo-Saxon Religion
Video Questions
Living in the Middle Ages

Lesson 6: Monarchy and Government
Lesson objectives:
To consolidate learning so far on Anglo-Saxon society in preparation for a key assessment next lesson by preparing a display of key terms
To be able to explain who Edward the Confessor was and some key details about him.
To be able to describe the powers of the Anglo-Saxon monarchy during his reign
Monarchy and Government

Lesson 8: Edward the Confessor
Lesson objectives:
To be able to summarise and categorise information relating to the reign and characteristics of Edward the Confessor
To draw conclusions about Edward’s suitability for kingship.
To assess how events in Edward’s life may have had an effect on how effective he was as a king.
Edward the Confessor
Biography of Edward the Confessor

Lesson 10: Tostig Godwinson
Lesson objectives:
To be able to explain how Harold Godwinson ended up turning against his own brother.
To be able to identify key reasons there was an uprising againstTostig.
To evaluate what the consequences of these events were for Harold Godwinson and the King.
Tostig rebellion story telling task

Lesson 13: Claimants to the throne
Lesson objectives:
All to be able to name the 4 claimants to the throne
Most to understand the details of the different claims to the English throne in 1066.
Some to effectively evaluate the different claims to the throne and decide who deserved it the most.
Claimants to the throne

Lesson 15: Battle of Gate Fulford and Stamford Bridge
Lesson objectives:
All will be able to explain what happened at the Battle of Gate Fulford and the Battle of Stamford Bridge
Most will be able to identify the battle tactics that made the victors successful at each battle.
Battle of Gate Fulford and Stamford Bridge
Lesson 17: Why William Won
Lesson objectives:
To be able to summarise events of the battle in chronological order.
To compile reasons for why William won the Battle of Hastings.
To be able to prioritise factors leading to William’s victory at Hastings.
To explore the significance of the Bayeux Tapestry
Why William Won
Reasons William Won
Bayeux Tapestry Sequence

Lesson 18: Interpretations of 1066
Lesson objectives:
To use humour to demonstrate understanding of events in 1066
To analyse causes and consequences of events in 1066
To enhance essay skills by considering different interpretations of an event and developing an appropriate line of argument
Interpretations of 1066