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Unit 5: The origins of the Cold War, 1941-1958
Use the copy of the textbook below to complete the tasks in the PowerPoints:
Cold War Textbook

Lesson 1: Introduction to the Cold War
Lesson objectives:
To be able to explain 3 reasons why the USA and USSR fell out.
To be able to identify Communist and Capitalist ideas and beliefs.
Intro to the Cold War
Lead up to the Cold War Note Taking
Feature of the Cold War Table
Capitalism and Communism Sorting Table
Topic Sheet

Lesson 8: The Hungarian Crisis, 1956
Lesson objectives:
Essential: students must be able to explain the key features of the Hungarian uprising 1956
Challenging: students must be able to explain the long term significance of the Hungarian uprising and the impact on the Eastern sphere of influence.
The Hungarian Crisis 1956

Stanborough History Curriculum
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