Unit 3: Medieval Realms
Use the relevant section from the textbook below to complete the tasks in the PowerPoints:

Lesson 2: What were the Wars of the Cross
Lesson objectives:
All will be able to summarise why some people in medieval Europe wished to visit the Holy Land.
Most will be able to discover why Jerusalem was an important city for Christians, Muslims and Jews.
Some will be able to examine why the Pope ordered the Crusades.
What were the Wars of the Cross
The importance of Jerusalem

Lesson 8: Life in a Medieval Town
Lesson objectives:
All will practice writing in full sentences to improve your answers.
Most will be able to describe or explain at least one key feature of a Medieval town.
Some will be able to evaluate the differences between life in a Medieval town and village.
Life in a Medieval Town

Lesson 9: What fun - Football
Lesson objectives:
All will be able to investigate how both rich and poor spent their spare time in the Middle Ages.
Most will be able to categorise some of the major differences between sport today and sport in the Middle Ages.
Some will be able to discover the origins of football in Britain and evaluate how football in the Middle Ages differs from football today.
What fun - Football

Lesson 13: Crown versus Church
Lesson objectives:
All will be able to summarise the events in the quarrel between Henry II and Becket in the correct chronological order.
Most will be able to evaluate King Henry’s motives in making Becket Archbishop of Canterbury.
Crown Versus Church
Profile of Henry II
How important was the Church

Lesson 15: King John Magna Carta
Lesson objectives:
All will be able to analyse the consequences of King John’s mistakes.
Some will be able to explain the importance of Magna Carta.
King John Magna Carta
Judging King John
What was significance of the Magna Carta
When was the Magna Carta most significant