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Unit 7: The Holocaust

Use the copy of the textbook below to complete the tasks in the PowerPoints:

Understanding the Holocaust

Lesson 1: Jewish Life in Europe before WWII

Lesson objectives:

To understand the lives and experiences of European Jews before the Holocaust

Jewish Life

Lesson 2: Jewish life under Nazi rule 1933-39

Lesson objectives:

To understand how and why life for Jewish people changed when the Nazis took power in Germany

Jewish Life under Nazi rule

Anti-Jewish Laws

Lesson 3: Impact of WWII on Jewish Life

Lesson objectives:

To understand how the outbreak of WW2 affected the development of the Holocaust

Impact of WWII on Jewish Life

Lesson 4: The Final Solution

Lesson objectives:

To understand why the Nazis created ‘death camps’ and how the Holocaust ended 

The Final Solution

Geography of the Holocaust

Lesson 5: Resistance

Lesson objectives:

  1. To understand how Jewish people resisted persecution

  2. To understand how other countries responded to the Holocaust during the war


Lesson 6: Responsibility

Lesson objectives:

To understand that responsibility for the Holocaust was much wider than just Hitler and a few leading Nazis


Lesson 7: Aftermath

Lesson objectives:

To understand the impact of the Holocaust on survivors
To explore and discuss the extent of justice for the Holocaust


Extension: Holocaust Project Booklet

Please read pages 87 to 95 of the Twentieth Century World Textbook and complete the Project Booklet on the Holocaust.

Holocaust Project Booklet

Twentieth Century World Textbook

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