Lesson 1: Great Exhibition
Lesson objectives:
All will be able to describe some of the exhibits in the Great Exhibition.
Most will be able to explain why the Great Exhibition was held.
Some will be able to evaluate what the Victorians thought about themselves.
Great Exhibition
Homework presentation
Homework help sheet

Lesson 2: Why did Britain want an Empire
Lesson objectives:
All will be able to explain at least one reason for why Britain wanted an Empire.
Most will be able to categorise evidence of the different reasons for wanting an Empire.
Some will be able to make a judgement about which reason was the most important.
Why did Britain want an emipre
Cause Cards

Lesson 3: How did Britain get an Empire
Lesson objectives:
All will be able to describe how and why at least one country was colonised.
Most will be able to explain why different countries were important to Britain.
Some will be able to evaluate whether it was right for Britain to build an Empire.
How did Britain get an Empire
Fact file Template

Lesson 4: Africa and Scramble
Lesson objectives:
All will be able to explain why areas of Africa were wanted by European countries.
Most will be able to identify how European countries benefitted from colonies in Africa.
Some will be able to hypothesise the effect of European empire building in Africa.
Africa and Scramble

Lesson 7: Life as a Slave
Lesson objectives:
Students will be able to describe a slave auction.
Students will be able to describe conditions on a plantation.
Students will be able to utilise sources as evidence. (We will evaluate the utility of Roots as a secondary source for learning about slave auctions).
Some will be able to evaluate the effect of slave revolts.
Life as a Slave