Unit 3: Anglo-Saxon and Norman England, c1060–88
Use the copy of the textbook below to complete the tasks in the PowerPoints:

The Anglo-Saxon and Norman Learn from Home Pack and Revision Guide
Complete the Revision Guide on The Cold War.
Use the Content PowerPoints on the History website to help you: https://stanboroughhums.wixsite.com/history/gcsecontent
Anglo-Saxon and Norman Learn From Home Pack
Anglo-Saxon Textbook
Anglo-Saxon and Norman England Revision Guide

Lesson 5: William gains control with revolt of the Earls
Lesson objectives:
To consolidate understanding of why Anglo-Saxon resistance failed
To analyse exam technique on “Why were Castles so important?” question
To identify why the Revolt of the Earls in 1075 was different to earlier rebellions.
William gains control and revolt of the Earls
Explain why castles are important (add EBIs)

Lesson 8: Landownership
Lesson objectives:
All to be able to explain the changes in landownership from Anglo-Saxon to Norman, 1066–87.
Most to make a judgment about why William set up landownership in his Kingdom this way.
3. All to gain an introductory understanding of the Domesday book
Changes in landownership

Lesson 9: The Normanisation of England
Lesson objectives:
To assess and reflect on what we already know about how the Normans changed England.
To identify the change and continuity to systems of government.
To apply this understanding to a 16 mark essay question using recent understanding of technique
The Normanisation of England
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