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Unit 8: The Cold War Era

Unit 1: Spy Diaries
Lesson 1: An Introduction to the Cold War

Lesson objectives:

  1. Explain what a cold war is (and how it is different from a hot war) and define a superpower.

  2. Understand IDEOLOGY: Define the differences between capitalism and communism. 

  3. To be able to explain why civilians feared for their lives.

Introduction to the Cold War

Lesson 2: The Arms Race

Lesson objectives:

  1. To be able to explain the arms race between USSR and USA 1945 – 1961 and key developments

  2. To understand the effects of a nuclear bomb exploding above ground and why they were developed

  3. To understand how the superpowers competed in the arms race with the Hydrogen bomb.

Arms Race

Optional Worksheet

Lesson 3: The Arms Race and the Importance of intelligence

Lesson objectives:

  1. To understand the competitive nature of the arms race.

  2. To know what the perceived “Bomber Gap” was and how America responded

  3. 3. To understand the lengths that each side would go to in order to obtain information through studying the Sutterlin affair.

Arms Race

Lesson 4: ICBMs and the Space Race

Lesson objectives:

  1. To know what an Intercontinental Ballistic missile is and how the Americans responded to the “missile gap”

  2. To understand why the Russians seemed to be in the lead in 1957

  3. To understand why the Space race and arms race are linked

ICBMs and Space Race

Lesson 5: The U2 Crisis

Lesson objectives:

  1. To be able to explain why the failure of disarmament.

  2. To be able to understand the chronological events of the U2 Crisis,

  3. To be able to evaluate the the results of the U2 Crisis.

The U2 Crisis

Video Questions


Lesson objectives:

  1. To explain why and how the arms race developed

  2. To evaluate the impact of the arms race on the fear of the population

  3. To consider how to evaluate the utility of a source


Unit 2: Vietnam
Lesson 1: Why did America get involved in a war against Vietnam?

Lesson objectives:

  1. You will be able to explain how the USA’s fight against Communism led to War in Vietnam

  2. You will be able to explain the following key terms
    Truman Doctrine
    Domino theory
    Gulf of Tonkin incident

  3. You will be able to identify 3 reasons the America got involved in a war against Vietnam.

Why did USA go to war


p.3 and 7 to be printed

Lesson 2: Guerrilla Warfare

Lesson objectives:

  1. To recap why the USA got involved in the Vietnam war.

  2. To be able to explain a poor peasant army defeated the powerful USA with its superior weaponry and firepower.

  3. To draw inferences from a source and pick out supporting quotes 

Guerrilla Warfare

Optional Reading

Lesson 3: USA Vietnam Tactics

Lesson objectives:

  1. To understand what a “Just War” and “War Crimes” are and use these definitions to evaluate US tactics

  2. To know what American tactics for fighting the Vietnam war were:
    Operation Rolling thunder 
    Two chemical weapons used by the Americans
    Search and Destroy missions were.

  3. To understand the impact of  fighting in Vietnam on ordinary South Vietnamese and American soldiers

USA Vietnam Tactics


Homework: Anti War leaflet

Homework: Markscheme

Lesson 4: Why did people oppose the Vietnam War?

Why did people oppose the Vietnam War


Lesson 5-6: Platoon​

Watching Platoon Extracts


Anti-War leaflet feedback

Lesson 7: How useful is Platoon? (Source Analysis)

How useful is Platoon

Print out

Lesson 8: Opposition to the Vietnam War

Lesson objectives:

  1. To develop your understanding of why so many  Americans opposed the Vietnam war

  2. To be able to categorise reasons for better  organisation of mind mapping and essay writing

  3. To write analytical PEEL paragraphs on opposition to the war to develop stronger essay writing

Opposition to the Vietnam War

Lesson 9: How useful class assessment

Lesson objectives:

  1. To understand what happened at a prohibited anti-war protest at Kent State University

  2. To analyse sources with exam style questions: How useful are sources A & B


Unit 3: Britain and the Home Front
Lesson 1: Nuclear Weapons and World Map

Lesson objectives:

To understand how nuclear weapons are spread across the world and why this led to pressure groups forming in Britain,

Nuclear Weapons and World Map


Lesson 2: The Women of Greenham Common

Lesson objectives:

To be able to describe the events of Greenham Common

Women of Greenham Common

Pictures to stick in

Worksheet and Tasks

Lesson 3: Cold War Home Preparation

Cold War Home Preparation

Lesson 4: Nuclear Bunkers

Lesson objectives:

To describe how the government prepared the British people for a nuclear war

Nuclear Bunkers

Nuclear Bunkers

Lesson 5: Nuclear Survival Kits

Lesson objectives:

To be able to prioritise importance of items to use in a nuclear war

Nuclear Survival Kits

Survival Kits

Homework Grid

Homework grid

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