Whitechapel Part 1
Use the copy of the textbook below to complete the tasks in the PowerPoints:
Crime and Punishment Textbook

Lesson 4: Policing
Lesson objectives:
To recap learning about Whitechapel so far and apply it to exam question 1
To understand Why Whitechapel was so difficult to Police.
To understand how to evaluate the utility of a source in an exam question. (Q2a worth 8 marks).
Source Analysis on Policing
Challenges for policing

Lesson 5: The organisation and problems of the police in the 1880s
Lesson objectives: To be able to explain:
​To gain knowledge of how crime was recorded and identify the problems using these records as evidence.
To practise “How useful” questions.
The organisation and problems of the police in the 1880s
Policing Hand-out

Lesson 6: Practising for key assessment
Lesson objectives:
To practise all 3 exam questions so you understand how you will be assessed.
To understand the importance of independently revising for this unit by taking notes. You must prepare for your key assessment carefully.
Practising key assessment
Independent Revision

Lesson 8: Source skills Whitechapel
Lesson objectives:
To consolidate your knowledge on a range of sources you could refer to for qB .
To evaluate which sources of evidence would be helpful for a given question.
To practise analysing the utility of a source.
To know the details of the gruesome murder of Harriet Lane.
Source Skills Whitechapel
Heads and Tails Sources work sheet