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Unit 4: Nazi control and dictatorship, 1933-1939
Use the copy of the textbook below to complete the tasks in the PowerPoints:
Weimar and Nazi Germany Textbook

Lesson 1: Creation of a dictatorship
Lesson objectives:
To understand the events surrounding the Reichstag fire, and to explain the significance of it.
To understand how Hitler gained more power with the introduction of the Enabling Act, and his removal of opposition groups.
Creation of a dictatorship
Reichstag fire questions

Lesson 6: Nazi propaganda and censorship
Lesson objectives:
To understand how Goebbels used propaganda to control and influence German people.
To understand how the Nazis used media, sport and rallies to control and influence the German people.
To understand how the Nazis used culture and the arts to control and influence the German people.
Nazi Propaganda and censorship

Stanborough History Curriculum
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