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Unit 2: Weimar and Nazi Germany, 1918-39

Use the copy of the textbook below to complete the tasks in the PowerPoints:

Weimar and Nazi Germany Textbook

Weimar and Nazi Germany Revision Guide

Complete the Revision Guide on Weimar and Nazi Germany

Weimar and Nazi Germany Revision Guide

Unit 1: The Weimar Republic 1918-29
Lesson 1: Germany Post WWI

Lesson objectives:

  1. To understand the impact that WWI had on Germany

  2. To track the transition from Kaiser to democracy within post war Germany. 

  3. To assess the strengths and weaknesses of the Weimar constitution.

Germany Post WWI

Lesson 2: Unpopularity of the Weimar Republic

Lesson objectives:

  1. To compile reasons for the unpopularity of the Weimar Republic.

  2. To assess which factors played the most significant role in the unpopularity of the Weimar Government.

  3. To practice making inferences from sources.

Unpopularity of the Weimar Republic

Treaty of Versailles

Lesson 3: Challenges from Left and Right

Lesson objectives:

  1. To be able to explain what is meant by left and right wing.

  2. To analyse examples of the political challenges faced by the Weimar Republic.

Challenges from Left and Right

Lesson 4: Hyperinflation

Lesson objectives:

  1. To be able to explain the context of the difficulties facing Germany in 1923.

  2. To analyse the reasons for and the reaction to the Occupation of the Ruhr

  3. To assess the impact of hyperinflation on Germany.


Lesson 5: Recovery

Lesson objectives:

  1. To understand Stresemann’s strategy for recovery of the Weimar Republic

  2. To gain an insight into the reasons for economic recovery; Dawes Plan & Young Plan

  3. To consider the advantages and disadvantages of Stresemann’s economic policies. 


Lesson 6: Cultural and Societal Changes

Lesson objectives:

  1. To examine changes in the standard of living for Germany people 1924-29

  2. To consider the changes in culture, art and the lives of women throughout the 1920s

Cultural and Societal changes

Unit 2: The development of the Nazi party 1920-1933
Lesson 1: Development of Nazi party 1920-1923

Lesson objectives:

  1. To know at least 3 changes made to the DAP within 1920-1923

  2. To be able to apply knowledge to analyse exam style question

Development of the Nazi Party

Lesson 2: The Munich Putsch and the lean years 1923-29

Lesson objectives:

  1. To explain the causes and impact of the Munich putsch 

  2. To apply knowledge to assess historical interpretations of this event. 

The Munich Putsch and the lean years

The Munich Putsch and the lean years

Lesson 3: The Growth of Nazi Support 1929-32

Lesson objectives:

  1. To explain at least 2 factors which helped increase the support of the Nazi party 1929-32

  2. To assess to which factor was the most significant in increasing Hitler’s power. 

The Growth of Nazi Support 1929-32

Lesson 4: Support for the Nazi party 1929-33

Lesson objectives:

  1. To be able to describe at least 3 groups of people who supported the Nazis

  2. To explain how far the WSC impacted this increased support

Support for the Nazi party 1929-33




Lesson 5: Hitler becomes Chancellor 1932-33

Lesson objectives:

  1. To be able to describe how Hitler became Chancellor

  2. To explain the most significant event which led  this happening.

Hitler becomes Chancellor 1932-33

Political Developments

Unit 3: Nazi control and dictatorship, 1933-39
Lesson 1: Creation of a dictatorship

Lesson objectives:

  1. To understand the events surrounding the Reichstag fire, and to explain the significance of it.

  2. To understand how Hitler gained more power with the introduction of the Enabling Act, and his removal of opposition groups.

Creation of a dictatorship

Lesson 2: NotLK and Death of Hindenburg

Lesson objectives:

  1. To understand the events surrounding the Night of the Long Knives.

  2. To explain the significance of the death of Hindenburg.

NotLK and Death of Hindenburg



Lesson 3: The Police State

Lesson objectives:

  1. To understand the different aspects of the Nazi police state.

  2. To evaluate how far Hitler succeeded in creating a police state.

The Police State


Lesson 4: Nazi Control

Lesson objectives:

To understand how the Nazis controlled the legal and religious systems.

Nazi Control

Lesson 5: Support for the Nazi Regime

Lesson objectives:

To understand the extent of support for the Nazi regime.

Support for the Nazi Party




Lesson 6: Opposition

Lesson objectives:

To understand opposition and resistance from the Church.


Unit 4: Life in Nazi Germany
Lesson 1: Nazi attitude role women

Lesson objectives:

  1. All Must develop and practise answering exam q1 drawing inferences from a source.

  2. Most will be able to identify & explain 3 Nazi aims that drove all policies concerning women and their role in the family.

  3. Some will evaluate the success of the Nazis in achieving these aims.

Nazi attitude role women

Lesson 2: Nazi aims and policies for the young

Lesson objectives:

  1. All will be able to explain what the Nazis wanted young people to believe and the characteristics they should develop.

  2. Most will be able to identify & explain how the Nazis tried to indoctrinate young people with certain beliefs.

  3. Some will effectively evaluate why two interpretations show a difference about the past.

Nazi aims and policies for the young



Note taking task

Lesson 3: Nazi policies to reduce unemployment

Lesson objectives:

  1. All will be able to explain how the Nazis delivered on their election promise of “Brot” and “Arbeit”  by reducing unemployment.

  2. Most will be able to confidently draw inferences from sources.

  3. Some will effectively evaluate the utility & limitations of a source (Exam q) showing strong knowledge of Nazi policies.

Nazi policies to reduce unemployment


Lesson 4: Gaining support by controlling leisure

Lesson objectives:

  1. All will be able to explain how Nazis gained support by controlling leisure time.

  2. Most will be able to evaluate whether living standards went up.

  3. Some will be able to confidently explain why historians come up with different interpretations.

Gaining support by controlling leisure

Lesson 5: Did Germans benefit from Nazi rule

Lesson objectives:

  1. To be able to describe some of the Nazi policies related to work.

  2. To be able to identify positive and negative effects of Nazi rule on the German people.

  3. To be able to evaluate personal content knowledge.

Did Germans benefit from Nazi rule

Support Card Sort

Card Sort

Card Sort Answers

Lesson 6: Persecution of minorities

Lesson objectives:

  1. All will be able to develop of glossary of key words which will impress the examiner.

  2. Most will develop analysis on how useful a source is and be able to explain why they agree with one interpretation over another.

  3. Some will make a judgement about whether there was a turning point in attitudes towards the Jewish population.


of minorities

Interpretations homework

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